We have a winner! In the month of February, students from the mid and high schools in the area were given an opportunity to design this year’s balloon rally logo. The committee received 25 entries from Raton High School, Raton Middle School and Raton Homeschool. The winner of the 2019 International Santa Fe Trail Balloon Rally is Sarah Warder, a freshman at Raton Homeschool. Congratulations! Not only will Ms. Warder ride in a balloon during the event, but her logo will be used in advertising and merchandise.
“Spring for Hops & Vine”, a beer and wine tasting event at the Raton Museum on April 27th from 5-8pm is coming up. Tickets are $15 and will be sold at the door.
Attendees must be 21 and older. There will be live, acoustic music and catered appetizers. This will be a full evening of fun and socializing, so don’t miss it!
Call us anytime if you have suggestions for MainStreet or want to get involved in our many projects. 445-2052 We’d love to hear from you!